
Planning and Project Activities in Kindergarten

Evgeniya Tsvetanova Mihova

Kindergarten “Brothers Grimm”, Shumen

Планиране и проектна дейност в детската градина

Евгения Цветанова Михова

ДГ „Братя Грим“, гр. Шумен

Abstract: The report examines the possibility of educational projects to support planning in the kindergarten. There are also examples of their use for strategic and short-term purposes in the kindergarten. There are specific details and their connection with the planning in kindergarten „Brothers Grimm“. There is also a link between the cycle and the management of childhood in the context of planning. The number of projects that have been worked out represent the possibility of optimal use of their activities for qualification, organizational, motivational and teaching activities.

Keywords: projects, planning, kindergarten, teachers, using

  1. Dinchiyska, St. Uvodni razmisli. Klasika i inovatsii v pedagogicheskata praktika, v Sb. ot Treti mezhdunaroden pedagogicheski forum, Viktori-PR, A., 2017, s.14