Folklore Holiday in Group “Mecho Puh”
Yordanka Atanasova, Kremena Kostova
Kindergarten №7 „Prolet“, Dobrich
Фолклорен празник в група „Мечо Пух“
Йорданка Стоянова Атанасова, Кремена Иванова Костова
Детска градина №7 „Пролет“, град Добрич
Abstract: The formation of an aesthetic, moral and patriotic upbringing from the earliest age puts the foundations of love and respect between us and the works of our folk art. The article presents the problem of forming children’s knowledge and attitude towards the Bulgarian folklore, its amazing specificity, unique beauty and a variety of metrorhythms of music and its place in the life of the people. There is a brief overview of the extent of inclusion of the topic in the curriculum content of the various educational areas in the kindergarten. There is a good pedagogical practice on the authors’ scenario of children’s teachers. Conclusions of the pedagogical activity and recommendations for the future work with children from the preparatory group were made.
Keywords: Bulgarian, folklore, children
- Dimitrova, S. (2013) Atraktivni i igrovi podhodi v obuchenieto po muzika – po sistemata za muzikalnoto vazpitanie na Karl Orf. Izd. Kolor Print. Varna.