With Small Steps to Large Sports
Rositsa Kostadinova Dimitrova
Kindergarden „Patilansko tsarstvo“, Stara Zagora
С малки стъпки към големия спорт
Росица Костадинова Димитрова
ДГ №68 „Патиланско царство“, гр. Стара Загора
Abstract: It is increasingly spoken about increasing the motor culture and literacy of adolescents, transforming stress and aggression into sports appearances. One way to release your aggressive energy is by spending it in the form of physical exercise and games. An innovative model for reducing aggressive energy and turning into adequate and systematic activity is organizing and conducting large-scale sports events in the kindergarten. They can replace or diversify traditional holidays and provide children with the necessary level of motor activity and a healthy lifestyle. Active involvement of parents in the organization and organization of such joint events, the demonstration of sports skills stimulates children to show their abilities in the chosen sport. The preparation and realization of such events is related to purposeful sports activities, which in children shapes habits, skills and personal qualities, provides them with a stimulating environment in which they experience the first signs of free knowledge and expression. Children learn to risk, to win and lose, to realize the reality of their „self“, to be filled with positive emotions.
Sports activities, good organization and use of various innovative forms of expression in kindergarten provide children with health, motor experience and motivation for independent motor activity.
Keywords: motor activity, aggressive energy, sports
- Fakirska Y., Nasilieto i agresiyata sred podrastvashtite, sp. Pedagogicheski novosti, br. 1, 2003