
Methodology of Projects in the Context of Education in Bulgarian- Reality and Perspectives

Snezhabka Dobreva Georgieva

University of Shumen Bishop Konstantin Preslavski

Методът на проектите в контекста на обучението по български език и литература – реалности и перспективи

Снежанка Добрева Георгиева

Шуменски университет „Епископ Константин Преславски“

Abstract: In the article are represented various experimental models of usage of project model in education of students in secondary and high school in Bulgarian. We describe the structure of the suggested educational technology. The models of using project technique are verified in three aspects. General organization of the education, the teacher and his/her role in modern education and the student and the ways he changes. The priorities of the suggested educational practice are defined primary as a ways to better subjects of the educational discourse, perspectives to use students as adequate models of social interaction and possibilities of improving students’ levels of key competences.

Keywords: method of projects of interactive education, pedagogical interaction, competence, pedagogy discourse

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