Methodological Problems for Development of Adaptive E-learning Content
Todorka Zhivkova Terzieva1, Asen Kanchev Rahnev2, Anatoli Veselinov Karabov3
Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”, Plovdiv
Методически проблеми при разработване на адаптивно електронно учебно съдържание
Тодорка Живкова Терзиева1, Асен Кънчев Рахнев2, Анатоли Веселинов Карабов3
ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“, Пловдив
*Авторите изказват благодарност към научен проект СП17-ФМИ-011 към НПД на ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“ за частичното финансиране на настоящата работа.
Abstract: In this research we present the results of a study related to the methodological problems on developing an adaptive e-learning content. Special attention is paid to the different opportunities for adaptation of learning content in e-Learning systems. An emphasis is put on the ways of modelling and developing adaptive learning materials by presenting didactic capabilities of adaptive e-Learning systems to achieve learning objectives. Various methodological approaches are discussed to determine the learner’s parameters in order to customize the learning content. Several parameters are taken into account: learner’s preferences, learning style, level of knowledge, available learning time, specific objectives, visit history, etc.
Keywords: adaptive e-learning content, adaptive learning materials, adaptive education.
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