
Parental Attitudes to Education in School

Radoslav Ivanov Penev, Luboslava Dimitrova Peneva

Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“, Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education

Нагласи на родителите към образованието в училище

Радослав Иванов Пенев, Любослава Димитрова Пенева

СУ „Св. Климент Охридски”, Факултет по начална и предучилищна педагогика

Abstract: The development addresses issues related to children’s motivation for school education through family influence. The results of a study of the orientations of parents of pre-school children related to the suggestions they make to their children are presented: parents’ attitudes towards the value of education at school; parents’ roles to school education and the preparation of the child at home. Positive Trends: most of parents aspire to suggest the position „If you learn, you will succeed in life!“, especially women and respondents with higher education; in a role, the respondents’ preferences are directed to the pursuit of cooperation and support of the child – „I understand that it is difficult, but we will succeed together!“. Negative Trends: 1/3 of parents underestimate education as an opportunity for positive life realization through the position „Learn, but education is not the most important thing in life!“; in part of the parents there is a desire to transfer the responsibility for the education of children to the kindergarten and the school through the role of „Supervisor“ – „You have to learn what they are learning!“; this is testified by the very low confidence of the respondents to the position „You must be a good student to be proud of you!“.

Keywords: family; education; positions and roles of parents.