Pedagogical Competence of Library and Information Professionals
Sabina Kirilova Eftimova
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT)
Педагогическата компетентност на библиотечно-информационните специалисти
Събина Кирилова Ефтимова
Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии, гр. София
Abstract: Since its very beginning up to the present days libraries has undergone many transformations and took upon various roles and functions. Modern society has gradually imposed a change in the mission of the library institution. Its traditional functions are being developed and complemented by the new needs, provoked by the issues of the civil society and the role of the libraries as a cultural, educational, social and informational institute. Various changes in the library services has been made, In order to respond to the dynamics of the modern information. Therefore the library-information educational programs has to be updated as well.
The purpose of the current report is to introduce theoretical fundamentals for the necessity of developing new abilities with the library professionals, particularly to improve their pedagogical skills and competencies.
Keywords: libraries, transformations, mission, competences, pedagogical skills