
Forming Contextual Competences in Preschool and Primary School – Contemporary Research on the Problem

Krasimira Dimitrova, Margarita Terzieva, Hrisula Nedyalkova, Nelly Koleva, Zlatka Dimitrova, Mariyana Todorova, Dechko Ignatov, Elena Petkova, Smilena Smilkova

University “Prof. Dr Asen Zlatarov”, Burgas

Формиране на контекстни компетенции в предучилищна и начална училищна – съвременни изследвания по проблема

Красимира Атанасова Димитрова, Маргарита Терзиева, Хрисула Недялкова, Нели Любенова Колева, Златка Димитрова, Марияна Тодорова, Дечко Игнатов, Елена Петкова, Смилена Смилкова

Университет „Проф. д-р Асен Златаров“, гр. Бургас

* Авторите изказват благодарност към научен проект № НИХ – 412/2018 г. „Изследване на контекстните компетенции в предучилищна и начална училищна възраст и разработване на конкретни педагогически модели за подкрепа на детската личност“ за финансиране на настоящата работа.

Abstract: Modern society – parents, school, educational institutions – faces an extremely complex task – to prepare the growing generation with sufficient and adequate knowledge and skills to be of use to them throughout their lives. The dynamics with which all spheres of social life are developing makes it difficult to predict how to educate and educate children today to be ready for the life that awaits them. Traditional learning, which has proven its importance, needs to build on so-called 21st century skills – communication skills, critical thinking, collaboration, digital literacy.

Keywords: contextual competences, soft skills, preschool, primary school, communication skills, critical thinking, collaboration, digital literacy

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