Paper 46
Nadezhda Velikova Doncheva 1, Anna Naydenova Pavlova 2
1 Bacho Kiro Pimary school, Veliko Tarnovo
2 Regional Governance of Education, Veliko Tarnovo
Надежда Великова Дончева 1, Анна Найденова Павлова 2
1 ОУ „Бачо Киро“, гр. Велико Търново
2 Регионално управление на образованието, гр. Велико Търново
Abstract: This shared prac ce, approbated as an ac vity from a mul na onal project shall provoke the ones
engaged in the arts educa on and enrich the pedagogical prac ce.
Why is the problem of using mul sensory s muli in the art classes interes ng from a pedagogical perspec-
ve? How could this approach be used as a pedagogical fundament and a source of interdisciplinary ac vi es
connected to art classes? Must the percep on as a totality of sensa ons, emo ons and no ons be assumed as
an image of space, scenery, result from cultural and historical accumula ons; ac ons and changes made from
the man; the possibili es for future experiences?
The work consists of two parts. In the fi rst we included common topics, connected to the mul sensory percep
on of the students, the relevance of the o bject-image and s mulus-image topics with the currently implemented
curriculum.We present techniques for observa ons, s mula ons of the no ons and studying of the objects.
The second part contains a methodological scheme of a performance art class, realized as a mul na onal
group of students part-taking in the project “Posi ve and ac ve” from the Erasmus + program. The task of the
students considered from the perspec ve of their feelings, emo ons and sensa ons, creates the opportunity
for building a bridge between history, culture and the arts of diff erent countries. Through the infl uence of s muli
for the senses the par cipa ng students in the project track and re-experience the places they visited. The
obtained in me of cultural touring informa on is reasserted in the form of knowledge and emo on, projected
in the product fi nale: a collage – pictures, map, sketches, rawings, texts.
Keywords: multisensory stimuli, perception, art education, method, emotion, sensation