
Application of Casio Technologies for Statistical Processing of Results of Psychological and Pedagogical Research of Measurements

Semkina N. S.

Moscow regional socio-economic Institute

Применение технологий casio для статистической обработки результатов измерений психолого-педагогических исследований

Семыкина Наталья Сергеевна

АНО ВО «Московский региональный социально-экономический институт»

Abstract. The article highlights the problems of using modern computer technology as an auxiliary means of psychological research, discusses aspects of the development of applied psychology and improving the training of young professionals – psychologists and teachers to practice and accelerate the training of psychologists-practitioners. The advantages of using Casio technologies as a necessary means of improving the efficiency of psychological research are discussed.

Keywords: information technologies, computer programs, empirical research, psychology, psychodiagnostics.

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