Virtuality and Creativity in the Classroom
Atanaska Peneva
Secondary School „Prof. Ivan Batakliev“, Pazardzhik
Виртуалност и креативност в класната стая
Атанаска Стоименова Пенева
ОУ„ Проф. Иван Батаклиев“, Пазарджик
Abstract: In this report, I present the good practice of „virtual Friendship“ and some of Google’s education apps. These are tools that allowed me to create an on-line presentation, educational video, the logo creation, engaging students in project activities, collecting information for assessment and exploring their desires for vir -tual visits to the cities – Pazardzhik, varna and Berkovitsa. Blended learning is an approach that applies a com-bination of learning opportunities, teaching and maintaining the skills needed for the best professional perform -ance. With blended learning, experienced and proven traditional methods which are combined with new tech -nology to create a dynamic learning structure and it can lead to greater learning efficiency.
Keywords: Forms, Site, YouTube, Hangouts, and QR Code
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