Solving Physical Tasks with a Graphical Method in Secondary School
Hristina Georgieva Petrova
Plovdiv University Paisij Hilendarski, Plovdiv
Решаване на физични задачи с графичен метод в средното училище
Христина Георгиева Петрова
ПУ „П. Хилендарски“, гр. Пловдив
Abstract: An innovative pedagogical practice in physics education is presented. Innovation is related to teaching methods. Emphasis is given to using a graphical method in solving physical tasks. A methodology for solving graphical tasks is presented. The application of the methodology in solving specific physical tasks is presented. The proposed methodology can be implemented through a computer presentation and an interactive board. Tasks include constructing a physical graphics, retrieving information from graphic, analyzing graphics. The basic physical quantities and laws are learned more deeply in solving graphical tasks. On the other hand, students’ graphic skills and graphic culture are developed. Students are also interested in working with graphics and developing their logical thinking. According us solving graphical tasks will help us to achieve the purposes, if this is systematically done and follow the common approach to work by both – the teacher and the students. The main stages of this approach are presented.
Keywords: algorithms, graphical tasks, methodology, physics
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