
The Theater – a Bridge Between Education and Entertainment

Rayna Kaloyanova

5th Primary School „Mityo Stanev“ , Stara Zagora

Театърът- мост между образованието и развлечението

Райна Калоянова

5.ОУ „Митьо Станев“, гр. Стара Загора

Abstract: The theatre becomes one of the interactive forms of education that offer new contemporary approach of teaching and learning for nowadays generation. Children learn by practice and through experience while participating in a theatrical game. The need to introduce the educational theatre into the initial stage of education, the prompt for it to take a well-deserved place among other educational areas, has become more acute. Thus, the theatre turns into a bridge between entertainment and education. The paper presents the authors experience from implementing drama education at primary school. Examples are described and the results are analysed.

Keywords: creativity, development, theatre, learning through experience, education

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