
Holistic Method in the Context of the Modern Educational System – Challenges and Practical Solutions

Mariana Ivanova Pencheva, Snezhana Mincheva Stefanova

Primary school „P. R. Slaveikov“, V. Tarnovo

Холистичният подход в контекста на съвременната образователна система – предизвикателства и практически решения

Мариана Иванова Пенчева, Снежана Минчева Стефанова

ОУ „П. Р. Славейков“ град Велико Търново

Abstract: Recent studies from the early 21st century show that negative trends as inequality of wealth, a sharp drop in demand for spiritual values, increased social and psychological disorientation and poor, unemployment, crime, processes of transformation of family values are increasing. All these changes lead to a negative impact on the lives of children and adolescents. Existing educational conditions in the country have led to an increase in children with behavioral problems. As a response and effective solution to the challenges of modern society, there is a holistic approach to education, thanks to which students’ motivation can be increased, understanding and learning – too, as a coping with conflicts and aggression. Holistic education is related to the training of every person – emotional, aesthetic, creative, physical, etc., and through it there is cooperation and mutual respect between all participants in the educational process. Holistic education is based on experience – broad, open, inorganic as life itself, not „great books“ or „basic skills“.

Keywords: holistic education, aggression, narcissism, emotional intelligence, empathy, personality, education, folklore

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