
Non-Traditional forms in Art Education

Daniela Zaberska, Kristina Pancheva

University „Prof. Dr Asen Zlatarov”, Burgas

Нетрадиционни форми на обучение по изобразително изкуство

Даниела Дамянова Заберска, Кристина Божилова Панчева

Университет „Проф. д-р Асен Златаров“, гр. Бургас

*Авторите изказват благодарност за финансирането на работата по проект НИХ 384/2016Игрови модели в детската градина за интелектуално и личностно развитие на детето“.

Abstract: The paper presents a description of a realized project for pedagogical interaction in kindergarten based on games. Nowadays children live in new conditions dictated by new technologies and instant access to information of any kind. Among key personal skills for successful realization in life are analytical, creative and critical thinking and ability to work in teams. In general, the educational system is very conservative and resistant to changes. We could outline routine and stereotyped work at all levels – from single teacher to entire institutional departments.

The paper outlines some of the main problems of the education in arts and suggest a model of education which emphasizes the usage of non-traditional forms and techniques in order to increase the general interest and commitment to the world of art.

Keywords: game-based model, painting, art techniques, ebru

  1. Stamatov, R. Detska psihologia. P., 2000
  2. Zaberska, D. Izkustvoto ebru i vazmozhnosti za prilozhenieto mu v artterapiyata. Godishnik na Universitet „Prof. d-r Asen Zlatarov“, Burgas, 2014, t. XLIII (1).