
The Power of the Bulgarian Spirit – Value Orientation in the Child’s Social Behavior

Todorka Tsvetkova Manova, Tanya Tsvetanova Racheva,

Kindergarten „Slaveyche“, Vratsa

Силата на българския дух – ценностна ориентация в социалното поведение на детето

 Тодорка Цветкова Манова, Таня Цветанова Рачева

ДГ „Славейче“, Враца

Abstract. The changes that have taken place in recent years have made the world a different place. Crisis in the society led to such crisis in education of the adolescents. The media flooded us with negative information about the brazen-faced and cynical behavior of students, for the humiliation and helplessness of the teacher to cope with immorality, with planted understanding of the voidness of the Bulgarians in comparison with other Nations. All of this creates a risk of deformation of value orientation of children. How the Bulgarian teacher to deal with this hopelessness? How to fulfil their duty to the entrusted innocent and fragile souls? Where do they? The answer is THE BULGARIAN SPIRIT. The Bulgarian spirit is what has given the power and vigour of our fathers and ancestors to revive from the long night of slavery and our people to resurrect from oblivion of the history. It is what gives the answer of the crucial question of today. The question is what is more meaningful for us– the wealth of spirit, or the wealth of the day? What was this thing which has given strength and virtue to the Bogomils and the most loyal sons of Bulgaria? It is unthinkable how without the power of the Bulgarian spirit, our people, have come from the most ancient times, would have gone through all the historical storms and would have had the strength to go further into the most distant times?!

Keywords: Bulgaria, national traditions, history