Journal Policy

Education and Technologies Assoc. is ISO certified under Certificate N 436-1832-K / 27.10. 2016 within ISO 9001: 2015.

The journal policy follows the quality policy of association and states the following rules:

  • All papers published in “Education and Technologies” Journal are related to Education.
  • To be published in “Education and Technologies” Journal all papers should meet the technical requirements stated in Author’s Instruction Section.
  • “Education and Technologies” Journal accepts only original works – for each paper the author must declare, that the content of the paper has not been published before.
  • To be published in “Education and Technologies” Journal all papers should pass the peer review process.
Peer Review Procedure

The peer review process requires each paper to be refereed by two independent reviewers   under following rules:

  • The reviewer is a specialist on the topic, subject of the article submitted for publication;
  • The two reviewers evaluate the article independently. Reviewers have not information about each other’s.
  • The reviewer is anonymous to the author.
  • The reviewer has complete information about the author of the article.
  • The reviewer is not from the same institution as the author of the paper.
  • The reviewer was not a co-author of the article’s author in the last 2 years.
  • The reviewer cannot be suggested by the author of the paper.

From one hand the purpose of the review process is to assist the editorial board in taking decision whether to accept or to reject the article. From the other hand, the purpose of the review process is to assist the author in achieving higher quality of the publication.

Publication – Step by Step

After the submission, the paper follows the next routine:

  • Stage 1. Technical check – On this stage the technical staff checks whether the topic of the article matches the topic of the “Education and Technologies” Journal, and whether the technical requirements are fulfilled. On this stage the paper should pass anti-plagiarism check.
  • Stage 2. Reviewing – The article is sent to two reviewers who need to make a written review by filling out a reviewer’s form. The reviewer must formulate its conclusion between the following three options: the paper to be rejected; the paper to be accepted after certain revision; the paper to be accepted.
  • Step 3. Correction – If the author is required to do some corrections, the material is returned to the author for correction and re-submission. The revised paper is sent to the reviewer to approve the changes. The reviewer gives final written recommendation to editorial board to accept or to reject the paper.

Stage 4. Making a Decision – Based on the conclusions of the two reviewers, the editor-in-chief decides to publish or to reject the paper submitted. In case of two negative reviews, the article is rejected. If the two reviews diverge seriously in their conclusions, the editor-in-chief selects a new reviewer to confirm one of the two opinions. In one positive and one negative reviews, the editor-in-chief decides whether the article to be published.


Under regular circumstances, the publishing process from submitting of the article until it is publication takes between 45 days and 2 months.
The journal is annually issued at the end of August.
The period for submitting a paper for publication in “Education and Technologies” Journal is between 1.05 and 15.07 each year.

Rights and responsibilities

Main responsibility for the decision to publish or to reject an article is to the editor-in-chief of the Journal. The decision must be taken on the reviewers’ conclusions and, if necessary, after discussions between editorial board members.

The author is responsible for the content and conclusions into the article. The author states that the article has original content that was not previously published elsewhere. Work posted elsewhere cannot be published in the Education and Technologies Journal.
The author declares that there are no illegal statements and content that can violate the rights of the third parts.
If the paper is published with a project grant or other funding, the author should include a footnote or a “Thanks” section to pay attention to this.
If the article describes results for which other people are contributed, the author should include a footnote or a “Thanks” section to pay attention to this.
If the article was presented in an oral form at a conference with the same or similar title, the author should describe this correctly in the article.
The author quotes the correct sources. Sources are listed after the article, according to the technical requirements and style of citation specified for the journal.
If the author later discovers a huge mistake in his/her paper, he/she should notify the editor-in-chief and help to correct the error.
The author obtains one copy of the paper copy of the journal – the book with extended abstracts and CD with the full texts of the papers. When sending the journal by post/courier, the cost is at the expense of the author.