Study of Intangible Religious Heritage at Risk Through Project-Based Training
Svetla Shapkalova1, Georgeta Nazarska1
1State University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (SULSIT)
Проучване на нематериалното религиозно наследство в риск чрез проектнобазирано обучение
Светла Ангелова Шапкалова1, Жоржета Димитрова Назърска1
Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии
* Докладът е финансиран по проект: НИП-2018-01 на тема „Проучване на нематериалното религиозно наследство в риск: ценности, добродетели, брак и семейство в съвременна България“.
Abstract: The paper presents the design of the “Survey of the Intangible Religious Heritage at Risk: Values, Virtues, Marriage, and Family in Contemporary Bulgaria“ project, conducted by lecturers and students at the SULSIT, Sofia. The objectives, tasks and the working hypothesis are described. A brief analysis of already processed empirical data concerning on protection of marriage and family values (e.g. love, devotion, responsibility, obedience, restraint, care for relatives, respect for the elderly and parents, connection with others, respect for the tradition) is done. The text comments the significance of the project in the field of cultural heritage teaching with a view to acquiring knowledge, skills and competences and the future professional career of the students. As well it is focuses on religious value crisis in contemporary Bulgarian society.
Keywords: intangible cultural heritage; religious values; Bulgarian society; marriage; religious education.
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