
Using the Mnemonic Method as a Means of Developing Connected Speech in Preschool Children

Penka Valcheva

University “Prof. Dr. Asen Zlatarov“, Burgas

Приложение на мнемоничния метод като средство за развитие на
свързаната реч в предучилищна възраст

Пенка Кръстева Вълчева

Университет „Проф. д-р Асен Златаров“, Бургас

Abstract: The development of dialogically and monologically connected speech at preschool age is achieved through various verbal and visual methods. Along with them, the methods are also very creative. Such a creative method is mnemonics. It is a set of techniques for memorizing and recall of information using visual examples. The most popular tools for this method are the mnemotables, which have proven to contribute to the development of long-term memory and related speech. These are words, phrases or texts encoded in symbols or pictures that support children in their memorizing and reproduction through various associations. Tables may be of a different type and may contain between three and nine images.

Keywords: mnemonic method, connected speech, storytelling

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