“Fire” as a Concept in the Context of the United Cognition
Boryana Ilieva Todorova1, Zlatina Dobreva Angelova2
1 University of Ruse “Angel Kanchev”
2 ЕT “Mirdob”, Burgas
„Огънят“ като понятие в контекста на единното познание
Боряна Илиева Тодорова1, Златина Добрева Ангелова2
1 Русенски университет „Ангел Кънчев“, гр. Русе
2 ЕТ „Мирдоб“, гр. Бургас
Abstract: The target of the presented paper is to outline the possibilities for building up interdisciplinary relations on the subject, under consideration, in the process of education in natural sciences and humanities in the secondary school; to offer a possible approach to structuring learning content in classes of extracurricular activities. In this sense, the study of the concept of “fire” is traced in three levels such as form, content and meaning. It turns out that the different levels of clarification of the concept refer to knowledge from different scientific fields. The notion as form is studied by some natural sciences; content – from life sciences and other applied sciences, but as meaning – mostly from humanities. Thus, the proposed approach helps build mental relations, it discloses associations, and helps understand analogies among knowledge elements from different fields, and binds the diverse knowledge of learners in united cognition.
Keywords: united cognition, interdisciplinary relations, secondary school, concept as form, content and meaning.
- Todorova, B. Otnosno izuchavaneto na svetlinata i neynoto znachenie za globalnoto choveshko poznanie.// Godishno nauchno-metodichesko spisanie „Obrazovanie i tehnologii“, 2016, broy 7, str. 165-169, ISSN 1314–1791.