
Consumer Attitudes and Christian Education for Children

Plamen Petrov Mladenov

“St. Cyril and St. Methodius” University of Veliko Tarnovo, city of Veliko Tarnovo

Потребителски нагласи и християнско възпитание на подрастващите

ВТУ „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий“, гр. Велико Търново

Пламен Петров Младенов

Abstract: It is very important for both Christian children and their parents to see the practical benefit of their religion. If faith makes the child better able to cope with the tasks and challenges of life, it is almost certain that it will choose to keep it when it becomes big enough to make its choices in life. Parents will also have much greater confidence when they teach their child’s religious lessons. Perhaps the greatest proof that faith works, is the coping of growing Christians with the practical tasks and activities of everyday life. The present study deals with the establishment of the indicators according to which religion is perceived as practically useful and hence desired by the children and their parents, as well as finding specific directions for the realization of useful Christian education.

Keywords: Christian education, postmodernism, consumption, useful, growing up.

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