Paper 24-28
Смилена Димитрова Смилкова
Университет „Проф. д-р Асен Златаров“, гр. Бургас
Smilena Dimitrova Smilkova
University ‘Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov’, Burgas
* Авторът изказва благодарност към научен проект № НИХ – 504/2024 за финансиране на настоящата работа.
Abstract: Dance is an art whose artistic expression is related to the movements and positions of the human body. Communication in dance (both between partners and between them and the audience) is non-verbal. In order for the message of the dance and its performers to be convincing, emotional and sensual, the art of dance is inextricably linked to music. Musical literature is extremely rich in examples of ancient and modern dances. It could be successfully used in kindergarten music situations and in elementary school music classes. The perception of instrumental dance works from the musical treasury has an impact in childhood and primary school age as: a sound illustration especially of the old dances, which children and students do not know well; method of developing the metrorhythmic sense; a means of enriching general and musical culture; possibility to create musical-auditory representations; help in music situations and lessons in the performance of musical-rhythmic movements; development of figurative thinking.
Keywords: dance, perception of music, kindergarten, elementary school
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