Paper 24-13


Ясена Костадинова Чантова
Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии, София


Yasena Kostadinova Chantova
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia

* Авторите изказват благодарност към научен проект Договор № КП-06-Н75/17 от 15.12.2023 г. на тема: „Изследване на възможности за прилагане и развитие на образователен туризъм в България: Културното наследство в подкрепа на формалното образование“, финансиран от Фонд „Научни изследвания“за финансиране на настоящата работа.

Abstract: Crossword puzzle solving is usually considered as a leisure time activity. Crossword puzzles however can serve as a useful tool in foreign language teaching. As a writer, whose experimental literature is associated with the Oulipo group, Georges Perec created over a hundred crossword puzzles. Some of them are designed and dedicated to the Ier – XXe arrondissements (administrative subdivisions) of Paris. These 20 crossword puzzles can be successfully used for teaching French as foreign language in a way to engage students into discovering the historical sites and figures, urban landscape, cultural places, artistic activities and literary richness of Paris. The present study is focused particularly on the first crossword puzzle which provides the learners with educational itineraries within the Ier arrondissement of Paris by transforming the center city and the area around the Louvre into a dynamic classroom. This interdisciplinary approach encourages critical thinking and creativity by merging literary, history and urban geography studies. The study also highlights the pedagogical benefits of using crossword puzzles to facilitate the understanding of both Perec’s work and the cultural heritage of Paris.

Keywords: crossword puzzle, Perec, French language teaching, educational route, educational tourism.


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