Paper 24-8
Диляна Светославова Ангелова
Пловдивски университет „Паисий Хилендарски“, Пловдив
Dilyana Svetoslavova Angelova
Paisii Hilendarski Plovdiv University, Plovdiv
Abstract: Building friendships in childhood and adolescence is of particular importance for social and emotional development. Children and adolescents who maintain satisfying, positive friendships demonstrate higher self-esteem, emotional regulation abilities, empathy, etc. At the same time, they are less likely to experience anxiety, loneliness, and depressive symptoms. Friendships also have a protective function, as children with stable, quality friendships more easily cope with stress, natural life transitions and are less likely to be victimized and bullied by their peers. In the modern world, friendships change dynamically due to different contexts and social networks. Online communication has completely changed the way children connect and maintain relationships. Virtual friendships are becoming more widespread and global, and the exchange of information and the frequency of interaction are more intense due to constant accessibility. However, virtual friendships are more superficial because they do not always meet the requirement of emotional connection and trust in relationships.
Keywords: friendship, virtual friendship, social networks, online communication
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