Paper 23-85
Гергана Николова1, Десислава Ванкова2, Петър Ванков 3
1 ППМГ „Акад. Никола Обрешков“, гр. Бургас, 2Медицински университет, гр. Варна, 3 ВВМУ „Н. Й. Вапцаров“, гр. Варна
Gergana Nikolova1, Desislava Vankova2, Peter Vankov3
1School of Mathematics „Acad. Nikola Obreshkov“, Burgas, 2Medical University of Varna, Varna, 3NVNA „Nikola Vaptsarov“, Varna
Abstract: This article shares both the passion for novel educational models and quality teaching. The aim is twofold – to present the Sustainable Educational & Emotional Model (SEEM) as a universal frame to manage the modern educational challenges in post-COVID-19 times. Further, an example is given at the secondary educational level with a focus on mathematics. SEEM – the essence: SEEM is a result of more than 20 years of experience and research in higher education. SEEM is an integrative model that respects the fundamental principles of positive education, utilizing the potential of technologies. SEEM builds on the specific context (culture and policy), content (the concrete subject or topic), methodologies, or just instruments as well as the actors (educators and students). The model is based on the three SEEM pillars or principles: 1) interactive teaching sustained by the values of freedom, holism and respect; 2) technology application – the pandemic crisis has strengthened this pillar; 3) positive emotions (jokes and humor are promoted). SEEM – secondary school application: SEEM has been extensively applied in higher education. Here, the model is used in a secondary educational context allowing proving its versatility and simplicity. The SEEM model is introduced to summarise and synthesize knowledge on the topic of Similarities. The SEEM pedagogical framework was combined with a diagnostic model for the key competencies assessment. Conclusion: SEEM enables us to rethink the classical teaching and assessment approaches in secondary education. An illustration from the realm of mathematics exemplifies this fact. SEEM aspires to establish a comprehensive model, operating on the principle that optimal learning outcomes can be achieved if students find enjoyment in the educational process.
Keywords: education, public health, engineering, interactive teaching methods, Sustainable Educational and Emotional Model (SEEM), mathematics
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