Paper 23-64



Теодора Юлиянова Копанова
Детска градина „Дружба“, Пловдив


Teodora Yuliyanova Kopanova
Kindergarten „Druzhba“, Plovdiv

Abstract: Knowing the benefit and the real interaction that dialogic reading brings, I created the Literary Club in kindergarten, enriching the reading algorithm by including the performance of creative tasks, interactive work with artistic texts, joint work with parents. The aims and tasks of the literary club are: forming and developing an attitude towards children’s literature and books; developing children’s imagination; development of the related children’s speech, the grammatically correct one, increasing sound culture and developing the ability to perceive a literary work; formation of functional literacy; forming the ability to understand moral lessons; involvement of parents in the educational process. The set tasks of the literary club are primarily realized through dialogic reading, the creation of integrative connections with other educational areas, the provision of a suitable environment that stimulates and develops children’s imagination and creativity. The activity of the literary club includes the visits of visiting artists-writers, poets, translators, presenting their works to the children. We often prepare dramatizations of fairy tales, organize individual or team Quiz games and exhibitions of drawings or made models on the theme of „Favorite literary character“. And all the time, our faithful partners are the parents of the children.

Keywords: dialogical reading, love of books, imagination, creativity, formation of the inner world


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