Paper 23-35
Илия Христов Добрев, Коста Андреев Гъров
ПУ „Паисий Хилендарски“, Пловдив
Iliya Hristov Dobrev, Kosta Andreev Garov
Plovdiv University „Paisiy Hilendarskii“, Plovdiv
Abstract: The development of information technology allows the integration of new innovative approaches into the modern learning environment. In the article „Opportunities and Challenges of Augmented and Virtual Reality in Education“ the author, as a longtime teacher of information technologies in lower secondary school, reveals the opportunities for using augmented and virtual reality in the school class. The applications Popar Toys, Augment Education, Solar System Scope, Breakfast launch, Atlas of Human Anatomy are described. Mozaik 3D, Google Arts & Culture and working with them. The author shares good practices from the implementation of augmented and virtual reality in the learning process and lists the opportunities and challenges of innovative and interactive teaching with their help.
Keywords: аugmented reality, еducation, teacher, students, educational process
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