Paper 23-22
Мариан Недков Ангелов
Филиал на ВТУ „Св. св. Кирил и Методий“, Враца
Marian Nedkov Angelov
St Cyril and St Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo – Vratsa Branch
*Авторът изказва благодарност към научен проект на ВТУ – Филиал Враца: „Иновации – образователна среда – публикационна активност (Популяризиране резултатите от научноизследователската дейност на преподаватели и студенти от ВТУ – Филиал Враца)“ по договор № ФСД-31-243-25/21.03.2023 г.
Abstract: The relevance of the study relates to examining the extent to which professional learning opportunities enable future general profile teachers to teach music successfully in real educational settings. In order to ignore their insecurities in teaching music, research is needed to use appropriate lifelong professional learning opportunities, which will undoubtedly increase the confidence of teachers in subject areas such as Music. Prospective teachers who felt they were more confident in teaching music before entering the workforce had more extensive involvement in music at school or participated in forms of artistic self-activity. As a result of various studies on what kind of music education support prospective non-music teachers can count on, it is felt that despite the positive aspects of training and working alongside preschool and school music professionals, there is currently insufficient support for teachers in the early stages of their teaching career.
Keywords: music, preparation, teachers, learning, teaching
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