Paper 23-21
Смилена Димитрова Смилкова
Университет „Проф. д-р Асен Златаров“, Бургас
Smilena Dimitrova Smilkova
University „Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov“, Burgas
Abstract: The proposed article is based on a creative task set for masters studying Preschool and Primary School Pedagogy at the University „Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov“ Burgas. The purpose of the assignment is to stimulate the creative thinking of students in the field of music education methodology in kindergarten and primary school. The task is based on a practical application of the Perceiving Music activity. It is a kind of challenge, encouragement and manifestation of fantasy, imagination and creativity in the individual person. The participants intelligently and sentimentally walk the path of: choosing a piece of music; „transcribing“ it from sound art into verbal art; revealing through speech views, feelings and ideas presented with the expressive imagery of the individual worldview. The following are considered: thematic areas; verbal form preferences; an artistic image conditioned by fantasy expressiveness. The variety of professions and life experiences of the participants in the master’s course implies a varied range of emotionality and imaginative thinking in each of them. The creative charge with which most of the compositions are imbued brings interesting and enriching information about the sensibility, interest, attention and sensitivity of already mature individuals, regarding the interpretation and understanding of the expressiveness embedded in the musical fabric.
Keywords: music, creativity, Masters
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