Paper 23-15



Стефка Толева-Стоименова, Катя Рашева-Йорданова
Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии, София


Stefka Toleva-Stoimenova, Katya Rasheva-Yordanova
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia

Abstract: Analytical thinking is а necessary skill all students need to develop in order to do some research tasks in their university studies, but also the building of such thinking is a major task of university education. The effectiveness of modern higher education is associated with the acquisition of higher order thinking skills such as critical and analytical thinking. This report examines various aspects of analytical thinking, closely related to creative and critical thinking, also to solving problems. Some tools, methods and approaches that contribute to the building and improvement of analytical thinking in university education are presented as research based education, problem based education, game based education, etc.

Keywords: analytical thinking, analytical skills, higher education


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