Paper 23-4



Ангел Стефанов Манчев
СУ „Св. Климент Охридски“, София


Angel Stefanov Manchev
Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski“, Sofia

Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence is rapidly entering our lives. Chatbots like ChatGPT are already mass-producing newsletters, writing essays, summaries, criticism and even works of art, solving various tasks and creating all kinds of verification tests, skilfully imitating styles and forms. Image generators like Stable Diffusion, Midjourney, and more can create outstanding visuals in a variety of styles: from aged photos, graphics, watercolours, and paintings to street graffiti look-alikes. The resulting products
are in most cases remarkable not only for their quality, but also for the speed of their creation. And while these practices are becoming more common in the creative industries, the volumes of text, images and music generated by artificial intelligence, as well as the process used to create them, raises many complex ethical and legal questions. Some of them are largely related to today’s understanding of authorship as a legal doctrine and its protection by current laws, as well as the permitted possibility of using parts of one work or the whole of it for the purpose of creating another work, without prejudice to the legal copyright of the original author. In this article, we will provide some clarification on how copyright norms relate to generative artificial intelligence and reflect on the ethical dilemmas associated with this, which clearly pose a huge challenge to our understanding of property and justice, and also to the very nature of creativity.

Keywords: Generative AI, Copyright in AI, chatbot, ChatGPT, Stable Diffusion, Midjourney


1., Zakon za avtorskoto pravo i srodnite mu prava
2., Andersen et al v. Stability AI Ltd. et al
3., TikTok urezhda spor s aktrisa, koyato zavede delo za izpolzvane na glasa y v sistema za preobrazuvane na tekst v rech
4., Getty Images sues AI art generator Stable Diffusion in the US for copyright infringement
Kam dneshna data sa zavedeni mnozhestvo dela v sadilishtata na SASht, Evropa i Azia. Edno ot nay-emblematichnite, e deloto, izvestno kato Andersen v. Stability AI et al., zavedeno v kraya na 2022 g. v SASht, v koeto trima hudozhnitsi sadyat nyakolko generativni platformi za tova, che izpolzvayki tehnite originalni proizvedenia bez razreshenie, sa obuchili izkustven intelekt v stila im na rabota. Tova pozvolyava na potrebitelite da generirat proizvedenia, koito mozhe da sa „nedostatachno transformirashti tehnite sashtestvuvashti i zashtiteni
proizvedenia“. Rezultatat ot tazi upotreba bi moglo da badat „nerazresheni proizvodni proizvedenia“. Ako sadat ustanovi, che proizvedeniyata na izkustvenia intelekt sa nerazresheni proizvodni, veroyatno na narushitelya shte badat nalozheni sashtestveni sanktsii. Populyarnata platforma TikTok neotdavna sklyuchi izvansadebno sporazumenie v delo, zavedeno ot aktrisata Bev Stending, koyato tvardi, che kompaniyata e izpolzvala glasa y bez razreshenie za svoyata funktsia za preobrazuvane na tekst v govor. Kompaniyata Getty Images sadi Stability AI (kompaniyata zad Stable Diffusion) za kopirane i obrabotka bez poluchavane na razreshenie ili predostavyane na kompensatsia na milioni izobrazhenia, koito sa zashtiteni s avtorski prava, kakto i svarzanite s tyah metadanni, sobstvenost na Getty Images
5. Evropeyska komisia. Zakon za tsifrovite uslugi: Vaprosi i otgovori