Paper 21-45
Константина Николаос Константиниду
ОбУ „Йордан Йовков“, Пловдив
Konstantina Nikolaos Konstantinidou
Primary School “Yordan Yovkov”, Plovdiv
*Авторът изказва благодарност към научен проект №КП-06-М35/2/30.09.2020 г. „(Де)мотивационни фактори и характеристики за избора на учителската професия като кариера при ученици, студенти, обучаващи се в педагогически специалности, и начинаещи учители“, финансиран от Фонд научни изследвания, за пълното финансиране на настоящата работа
Absrtact. The article examines the application of different types of work in the process of school education. The research is a product of a review of the monographic literature and of the Bulgarian periodicals in the field of pedagogy, as well as of author’s researches. As a result of the analysis the author comes to the conclusion that in the educational process it is necessary to apply differentiation within reasonable limits on the basis of the theory of multiple intelligence, as each type of student work is effective when it is based on the individual type of intelligence. student. The study examines the work on knowledge perception, knowledge acquisition and application of knowledge, as well as the basic principles of application of these types of work – independence, responsibility, organization and the principle of effective communication in the team organization of the application of acquired knowledge. To achieve high efficiency of the educational process it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the characteristics of each type of work in order to apply the most appropriate motivation to each specific student.
Keywords: labour, intellectual labour, phisical work, plural intelligence, self-dependence, responsibility, organization, effective communication
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