Paper 40
Margarita Yordanova Gencheva
Shumen University „Episkop
Konstantin Preslavski“
Маргарита Йорданова Генчева
Шуменски университет „Епископ
Константин Преславски“
Abstract: One of the oldest civilizations, the Egyptian, was founded in the 3rd – 1st millennium BC. This
ancient civilization leaves the world a colossal architectural and artistic heritage that testifies to the astonishing
talent of the Egyptians.
In the cultural heritage of the Classical Ancient East, Syriac musical art is a particularly significant contribution.
The contribution of Syrian music culture in the field of musical theory is historical, which explains the construction
of the musical system based on the four-tone diaonic soundtrack, later known to the Greeks as the tetrachord.
On the basis of archaeological finds and monuments of Eastern culture discovered in our time, we judge
about the ancient outbreaks of active musical life in the countries of the Middle East. This is the case with the
discoveries of the ancient, biblical Old Testament, from which we obtain information about the musical life in
the lands of ancient Palestine, known as the Holy Land.
An important area of ancient musical culture that explains the „perfect system“ is THE MUSIC THEORY of the
Greeks. Plato „sets the foundations of the Greek theory of lasers, develops the problems of general and musical
Keywords: musical culture, music theory, Greek theory of lasers