Paper 31
Kremlina Lyubomirova Cherkezova
125 Secondary school „Boyan Penev“, Sofia
Кремлина Любомирова Черкезова
125 СУ „Боян Пенев”, гр. София
Abstract: The report shall show knowledge and skills of students from 125 SU „Boyan Penev in the school
year 2016/2017, when working with the virtual school offi ce in mathema cs and its applica on in crea vity in
graphic design. They work with a variety of geometric shapes and graphics programs. Create graphic symmetrical
ornaments, snowfl akes, stars, rose es, wallpaper, collages. Work with mul ple libraries, tools, eff ects,
and fi lters with a lot of ideas, imagina on and inspira on. Their works have the spirit and emo on, carry a sense
of challenge and originality and are recognized in their style and originality.
So combine your knowledge of mathema cs in the digital graphics such as translate their wishes into beau-
ful works, par cipate in contests and races and won numerous awards.
Keywords: Mathematics and art, computer Graphics, graphic Design, creativity of students, graphics programs,
125 Secondary school „Boyan Penev“– Sofia, Kremlina Cherkezova