Alexander G. Lukankin
Moscow Regional Social and Economic Institute, Russia
Александр Геннадьевич Луканкин
Московский региональный социально-экономический институт, Россия
Abstract: The post-socialist transformation of general and vocational education system has led to the loss of many positive gains that were already achieved earlier. The polytechnic character of our school and its practice-oriented foundations, based on a reasonable combination of basic education and professional and applied training, were seriously undermined. Modern Russian secondary schools have become something like pre-revolutionary classical high schools, without taking into account the significant fact that in pre-Soviet Russia, along with high schools, there was a wide network of real schools. They focused students on further mastering technical professions and active participation in the production sector of the country. Today we are witnessing a global revolution in the spiritual sphere, aimed at changing the very essence of a man. Note that natural science education is valuable not only for its formal method, but also for providing the basis for a correct understanding of the world. It fosters independence of thought and distrust of other people’s words and authorities. This is the best protection of the human mind from all sorts of superstitions delusions and mysticism.
Keywords: general and vocational education system, digital era.
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