


Borislav Yordanov Lazarov¹ , Dimitar Georgiev Dimitrov²
¹Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
²125th Secondary School – Sofia


Борислав Йорданов Лазаров¹, Димитър Георгиев Димитров²
¹Институт по математика и информатика – БАН, София
²125 СУ „Боян Пенев“, София

Abstract: Under consideration is a way to present the conics in a dual manner: as loci and envelopes. A bunch of computer technologies is drawn to explore and investigate this duality of the conics. An example of how it is done for a particular conic is given. The target group includes secondary school students who are advanced in math and information technologies. The theoretical base is an original didactical model for designing individual educational trajectories that is adapted for the team-working mode. The educational goal includes developing synthetic competence of an entire team. The individual characteristics of the team members complement one another for resolving complex problems from the local behavioral environment, which were specifically formed for the purposes of the experimental teaching.

Keywords: synthetic competence, individual educational trajectory, conics, loci, envelopes.


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4. – онлайн видео редактор
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