Grigoriev Sergey, Grigorieva Marina
Moscow City University
Григорьев Сергей Георгиевич, Григорьева Марина Александровна
Московский городской педагогический университет, Москва
Abstract: The most important innovative direction of development of pedagogy is the formation of a system of teaching students in the field of robotics, mechatronics and other technical disciplines. The emergence and relevance of such disciplines due to the development of technology, robotic devices, their penetration into all spheres of human activity. This problem actualizes the need to prepare a teacher capable of teaching such disciplines. The work is devoted to the description of the master’s program for training teachers in the field of robotics, it provides the content and structure of the main courses of the educational program, the features of training teachers of robotics. The analysis of possible directions of training of teachers of robotics is carried out, structures of subject areas are investigated. The paper studied the structure of the subject area, given its graphical representation, allowing to formalize the study of the content of teacher training in this subject area. The possible means of training, the principles of building a laboratory workshop for this list of disciplines, the organization of practical training, the use of different methods of training and forms of teachers training of robotics. The experience of several years of practical implementation of this program at the Moscow city pedagogical University is considered.
Keywords: Master program, Robotics, Mechatronics, STEM education, Teacher training, Structure of subject area, Principiles of building a laboratory workshops, forms of teachers training of robotics.
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