Luchia Angelova, Bozhidar Angelov
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski“, Sofia
Лучия Ангелова, Божидар Ангелов
Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, София
Abstract: In kindergarten and elementary school, aesthetic perception and aesthetic attitude to the world as components of aesthetic culture are formed through a cycle of artistic and aesthetic activities. The article focuses on all real communication interactions that mass communication daily performs with various child audiences. Its main goal is to give an answer to the question: “What should be known about the media, to be able to live in the modern information society?“ The media pedagogy task is to specifically indicate what are the interaction places between the media and the people – mostly children are intervening with nurturing and educating, teaching and advising, guiding and informing.
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- Angelova, L. Art Therapy and Hyperactivity in Preschool Age. In: B. Angelov, R. Engels-Kritidis, D. Kostrub, & Robert Osaďan(Eds.) Specific Issues of Contemporary Preschool Education in Bulgaria and Slovakia. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski“ University Press, pp. 323-332, 2018, ISB N 978-954-07-4388-2.
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- Angelov, B. Play/Games and Media in Preschool Age. In: B. Angelov, R. Engels-Kritidis, D. Kostrub, & Robert Osaďan (Eds.) Specific Issues of Contemporary Preschool Education in Bulgaria and Slovakia. Sofia: “St. Kliment Ohridski“ University Press, pp. 9-24, 2018, ISB N 978-954-07-4388-2.
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