Lubomira Petrova Parijkova, Sonya Lyubomirova Spasova
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia
Любомира Петрова Парижкова, Соня Любомирова Спасова
Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии, гр. София
* Авторите изказват благодарност към научен проект „Изследване на предизвикателствата пред четенето в цифровата ера“ (НИП 01/01.04.2019 – Наредба, МОН) за частичното финансиране на настоящата работа.
Abstract: For the seventh time the University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (ULSIT ) celebrated the International Book and Copyright Day. It is in the context of developing a policy of reading, raising the prestige of the book, and stimulating young people to discover the pleasure of reading. In 2019, the celebration of Book and Copyright Day at ULSIT is within the project „Research of the Challenges of Reading in the Digital Era“ Ordinance (01 / 01.04.2019). led by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lubomira Parijkova and a team of young scientists and students. It encompasses a variety of initiatives of a different nature, related to the elevation of the prestige of the book.
The Science Forum „Book vs. Tablet – Trying to Reconcile“ united leading Bulgarian and foreign scientists, book publishers, artists, librarians, bloggers and others involved with the book and its social significance, and
more specifically with reading and its various modes.
The report aims to present the results of the forum. The themes by which the authors presented at the university’s audience will be analysed; also the cases that are provoked by the permanent interaction with the technologies and the consequences on reading competence and reading at all.
Conclusions were made on the basis of the monitoring survey conducted during the forum, which took into account the impact of this initiative. Proposals made by respondents to the organizers are important not only as feedback but can serve those involved in conducting scientific events. There is also a demographic profile
of the participants.
Keywords: Reading, project, digital era, initiatives, results.
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- L. Parijkova (2019) Research of the challenges of reading in the digital era, 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies; 1st-3rd July, 2019; Palma, Mallorca, SPAIN. EDULE ARN19 Proceedings, pp. 5535-5541. ISB N: 978-84-09-12031-4; ISS N: 2340-1117.
- Parijkova, Lubomira. Vazmozhnosti za formirane na digitalni kompetentnosti pri detsa v preduchilishtna i nachalna uchilishtna vazrast – tendentsii, izvedeni na baza natsionalno anketno prouchvane. // Obrazovanie i tehnologii. Inovatsii v obuchenieto i poznavatelnoto razvitie: godishno nauchno-metodichesko spisanie.– Burgas: Sdruzhenie Obrazovanie i tehnologii, elektronno spisanie, S., 2018, № 9, s. 24-30. ISS N 1314-1791.
- Parijkova, Lubomira. Papancheva, Rumyana. Dicheva, Elena, Terzieva, Margarita, Dimitrova, Krasimira. Digitalnite kompetentsii i mediaobrazovanieto v preduchilishtna i nachalna uchilishtna vazrast – ponyatia i savremenni izsledvania po problema. // Obrazovanie i tehnologii. Inovatsii v obuchenieto i poznavatelnoto razvitie: godishno nauchno-metodichesko spisanie. – Burgas: Sdruzhenie Obrazovanie i tehnologii, S., 2018, № 9, s. 5-19. ISS N 1314-1791 (print).