Alfa generation and Reading
Lubomira Petrova Parijkova
University of Library Studies and Information Technologies, Sofia
Алфа поколението и четенето
Любомира Петрова Парижкова
Университет по библиотекознание и информационни технологии, София
* Авторът изказва благодарност към научен проект „Дигитални компетенции и медиаобразование
в предучилищна и начална училищна възраст (ФНИ, ДН 05/8; 2016–2019)“ с ръководител проф. д-р
Румяна Папанчев за частичното финансиране на настоящата работа.
Abstract: In the 21st century, different generations, connected or not with digital literacy have coexisted, and there is already talk of different types of literacy. Traditional literacy is not displaced from its position as a mandatory for every educated person, but it necessarily goes hand in hand with other literacy – with digital, multimedia and information, etc. Digital literacy does not replace traditional forms of literacy; it builds upon the foundations of traditional forms of literacy.
Modern young people live in a highly technological environment and it is necessary the educational sector to have a responsible attitude and behavior for their adequate education about the main media – Book. More and more studies point the declining of interest in books and reading.
The International survey PIS A showed in 2015 a lasting tendency for Bulgarian pupils to be unable to comprehend the text and not to appreciate the information provided. One of the reasons for the illiteracy is that young people read books less.
The report presents a comparative analysis of the results of three surveys in the framework of the work package „The Relationship between Reading and Digital Literacy“, led by Assoc. Prof. L. Parijkova, as a part of a fundamental scientific project funded by the Bulgarian Science Fund, „Digital Competences and Media Education at Preschool and Primary School Age (DN 05/8; 2016)“ headed by Prof. Dr. R. Papancheva. The answers of pupils, teachers and parents regarding reading and pupils from the initial stage of study will be analyzed.
Keywords: Reading, digital literacy, project, surveys, analysis.
- L. Parijkova (2019) Research of the challenges of reading in the digital era, 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies; 1st-3rd July, 2019; Palma, Mallorca, SPAIN. EDULE ARN19 Proceedings, pp. 5535-5541. ISB N: 978-84-09-12031-4; ISS N: 2340-1117.
- L. Parijkova (2019) Bulgarian parents’ viewpoints on digital devices in child of today life. Research of children’s habits of digital technology usage, 11th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies; 1st-3rd July, 2019; Palma, Mallorca, SPAIN. EDULE ARN19 Proceedings, pp. 5450-5457.
- Parijkova, L., Vazmozhnosti za formirane na digitalni kompetentnosti pri detsa v preduchilishtna i nachalna uchilishtna vazrast – tendentsii, izvedeni na baza natsionalno anketno prouchvane. // Obrazovanie i tehnologii. Inovatsii v obuchenieto i poznavatelnoto razvitie: godishno nauchno-metodichesko spisanie. – Burgas: Sdruzhenie Obrazovanie i tehnologii, elektronno spisanie, S., 2018, № 9, s. 24-30. ISS N 1314-1791
- Parijkova, L., Dusheva, Simona. Galovich, Paola. Parvi vpechatlenia i izvodi ot provedeno anketno prouchvane sred uchiteli po otnoshenie cheteneto i digitalnata gramotnost pri uchenitsi do 11 godini. Obrazovanie i tehnologii, br. 9, 2018, Sofia, str. 27-28. ISS N 1314-1791 (print)
- За повече информация за индикаторите и показателите Виж Parijkova, Lubomira. Construction and Methods of Empirical Research of Reading Habits and Digital Literacy of young children up to 11 years old. // 2018 WEI . International Academic Conference Proceedings. Education & Humanities. Barcelona, Spain, 13-15 March 2018. 76-87. ISS N 2167-3179 (Online) USA