
Getting Started in the World of Programming

Kremlina Lyubomirova Cherkezova

125 Secondary school „Boyan Penev“, Sofia

Първи стъпки в света на програмирането

Кремлина Любомирова Черкезова

125 СУ „Боян Пенев”, гр. София


Творческите проекти на учениците са създадени по проект „Твоят час“, Оперативна програма «Наука и образование за интелигентен растеж» 2014-2020г.,Процедура на директно предоставяне на безвъзмездна финансова помощ: BG05M20P0012.004 „Развитие на способностите на учениците и повишаване на мотивацията им за учене чрез дейности, развиващи специфични знания, умения и компетентности“.

Abstract: This current report that applies to academic year 2017/2018 concerns the „Your class” project and covers the work of 3rd and 4th grade students at 125th „Boyan Penev“ school in. The project aims to get the students familiar with the programming with in the Imagine and Scratch environments. With the Imagine, the goal is the students to get acquainted with the LOGO educational philosophy and culture. On the other hand, the purpose of the educational course in Scratch is for the students to develop digital literacy by creating a computer models of known to them objects, processes and phenomena and to further experiment with the created models. The realized teaching practice is a continuation of the works of the programming instructor that took years to develop. This teaching practice delivers results, conclusions and new opportunities for the usage of the exploring type of approach in in the education in programming for the students – initial steps, meeting of the goals set, experiments, projects, searching for appropriate solutions. The main purpose is to present the gathered experience, results and conclusions in order to aid the students and the teacher. These can prove to be useful in the future planning and organization of the class work in the compulsory preparation of computer modelling in the Bulgarian school.

Keywords:  Programming, getting started in programming, programming for kids, Imagine, Scratch,125 Secondary school „Boyan Penev“– Sofia, Kremlina Cherkezova

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  3. Ivaylo Ivanov, Informatika s Imagine 9 i 10 klas, , Sofia, Nova zvezda, 2011.