Extracurricular Activities within Erasmus + and Whole-Day Training for Higher Quality of Education
Ilia KrumovDinev
First Primary School „St. Cyril and St. Methodius“, Gotse Delchev
Езвънкласни дейности по еразъм+ и целодневно обучение за по-качествено образование
Илия Крумов Динев
Първо ОУ „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий”, Гоце Делчев
Abstract: Extracurricular activity is an activity that puts students in informal environments and is expressed in purposeful exercises for the realization of a remedial impact on the free of the school hours, based on the acquired in the process of education. The extra-curricular activities at the First School „St. Cyril and St. Methodius“ in Gotse Delchev are developed in several directions according to the wishes of students and parents. Activities are varied. Our school has introduced the whole-day training to improve the quality of education. From school year 2016/2017, we are working on a European project „Next step of social lifelong learning through English“ of the Erasmus + Program. „Erasmus +“ is the European program for education, training, youth and sport, launched in 2014 and has a period of operation until 2020. The paper presents an example of pedagogy practice where project-based learning was implemented. Students teach about water safety and develop their English language knowledge.
Keywords: Extracurricular activity, ERASMUS +, Project-based learning