Competence Development Through Integral Interdisciplinary Approach in 1st Grade
Daniela Borisova Hristova, Veselina Ivanova Georgieva, Tanya Markova Srebreva
Primary school Aleksander Georgiev-Kodzhakafaliyata
Развитие на компетентности чрез интегративни междупредметни връзки
в 1 клас
Даниела Борисова Христова, Веселина Иванова Георгиева, Таня Маркова Сребрева
Основно училище „Александър Георгиев-Коджакафалията“, гр. Бургас
Abstract: The article proposes methodological ideas for the application of the integrated approach in the process of education at the elementary school in the subjects of Science, Mathematics and Information Technologies. The approach is based on solving practical tasks requiring: simultaneous work in several subject areas, applying the acquired competencies enhancing the knowledge and skills of young students through teamwork and responsibility. The interdisciplinary links provided determine the integrative learning of traditionally separate subjects, which in turn contributes to the preparation of the students according to the key competences which are a crucial part in the personal development of the first-graders. The inclusion of knowledge on the three subjects provides an upgrade of the overall perception of pupils about their hometown, developing social and civic competences.
Keywords: Competence, Integral Interdisciplinary Approach, Homeland, Math and IT
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