
Rhythmical Model – Spirit – Culture

Liuba Atanasova Zlatkova

Shumen University „Episkop Konstsntin Preslavski“

Ритмичен модел – дух – култура

Люба Атанасова Златкова

ШУ „Епископ Константин Преславски“

Abstract: The report views folk art as a knowledge of the universe. In its various manifestations – speech, music, dance, pox, ornamentation and construction – are encoded images and symbols, acting and acting in their entirety. The external is the exoteric and the inner – esoteric manifestation of folklore. They are conditionally compared to form and content with rhythm and rhythmic patterns being the universal symbol that unites them and binds them together. From the fact that rhythmic elements are a building material in the existence of the world, it is concluded that the rhythmic patterns in their different manifestations and life events, phenomena, cycles have a causal link between them. The rhythmic model can be seen as a miniature hologram, a bearer of information about the age, nationality, lifestyle, and spirituality of the people who embedded it in their art, culture, civilization.

Keywords: hologram, rhythmical model, form, content, exoteric, esoteric

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