The Process of English Language Teaching of Bilingual Children Into the Kindergarten and in First Grade of Primary School
Milena Stoyanova, Elena Kirilova, Donka Dineva
Primary School „Vasil Levski“, Burgas
Процесът на обучение по английски език при деца билингви в детската градина и първи клас
Милена Паскалева Стоянова, Елена Димитрова Кирилова, Донка Колева Динева
ОУ „Васил Левски“, Бургас
Abstract: The English language teaching process at Vasil Levski Primary School in Burgas is a spiral completed cycle, divided into three intermediate stages:• First group – activities with five-year-olds with a duration of 30 minutes; Second group – six-year training with a duration of 30 minutes; Third group – sessions with first-graders with a duration of 35 minutes.
As the education of children of this age suggests being a group, in our school the English language courses are conducted in groups of 20 to 23 children, with the number of children in no way detrimental to the quality of the learning process. During the language situation, different types of group activities are offered: song, didactic games, poems, the purpose of which is to involve each child in the language situation. The teacher introduces the new words by visualizing with the help of talking flashcards and songs, the aim is to use the movement naturally by the young children and students to learn the new lexical and grammatical structures in English. In the process of learning a foreign language, the speech process is activated, adopting the foreign speech on the way of imitation, the child forms the correct pronunciation, which in the early age leads to the development of the articulation apparatus. She takes the ready structures, lexical units without any thoughts. By using the game as one of the main methods of working with young children and students in their work, we strive to create a positive attitude towards English and to preserve their desire to continue learning.
Keywords: communication skills, English, talking flashcards, songs, game
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