
Tongue – Twisters as Means of Achieving Effectiveness in Bulgarian Language Learning       

Zlatina Dobreva Angelo

ET „Мirdob”, Burgas

Скороговорките като средство за постигане на ефективност в обучението
по български език

Автор Златина Добрева Ангелова

ЕТ „Мирдоб“, Бургас

Abstract: The article is related to role of tongue- twisters in Bulgarian language learning. It monitors their link with the development of cognitive skills, improving phonematic recognition of the words and adoption of various and flexible models, characterizing the stylistics and phraseology of our language. Their use in secondary school in adopting some lexical and grammatical categories as well as in facilitating the morphemic analysis of the words is justified. The connection between tongue- twisters and understanding of the artistic text, improving reading technique and spelling skills is proved. We search their effect on the improvement of the speech. We offer entertaining creative tasks according to the new curriculum, suitable for both individual and group performance and stimulating the memorization and reproduction of complex language constructions.

Keywords: tongue, Bulgarian language, learning, tasks, creativity

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