To Reach Out Your Hand When Words Stay Stll
Rayna Ivanova-Kaloyanova
Kinder garden №11 ”Zagore”, city of Stara Zagora
Да протегнем ръка, когато думите мълчат
Райна Тодорова Иванова-Калоянова
ДГ №11 ”Загоре”, Стара Загора
Abstract: Art therapy-a psychotherapeutic method, which is used for treatment and psychological adjustment, through art and creativity. It includes various kinds of artistic activities, as the most successful in children are fine arts, fairy tales as psychotherapy, as well as theater and music. The goal of the art the art therapist is to stimulate the child’s personal potential and to develop its emotional intelligence in a secure and protected environment. Art is a kind of language, and the symbols it uses are its words. It is touching the most subtle strings of the soul in search of the thread that connects children with special educational needs to the rest of the group. Birds fly, and people feel. It develops the child’s ability to recognize its emotional sphere, to react, to experience together with the others, to join, to control negative emotions. For the child to feel the emotions of others, to share them and to understand them, it needs to understand its own feelings first. Expressing your emotions, it improves expressive communication tools: mimics, sculpture, speech. It paints or plays and in the process of these events it masters the negative emotions to become a better person. Success begets success. The best motive for a child with special educational needs is the feeling that it succeeds.
Keywords: art therapy, feeling, emotion, intelligence, development
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