We, Others and Friendship – a Lesson With Integrated Learning Content in Bulgarian Language and Literature, and Civil Education
Adelina Simitchieva, Ivana Pavlova
Prof. Ivan Batakliev Secondary School, Pazardzhik
Ние, другите и приятелството – урок с интегрирано учебно съдържание по бел и гражданско образование
Аделина Михайлова Симитчиева, Ивана Павлова
ОУ „Професор Иван Батаклиев“, гр. Пазарджик
Abstract: The article presents an example for a lesson, combining knowledge and competencies of the pupils from both fields of Bulgarian language and literature and Civic education, completed with school children from primary and junior high school. The motivation for its creation is rooted in the insufficiently effective communication among the pupils at school. Rather too often the fact has been ignored that the educational work at both school and at home is deeply and fundamentally interconnected because it contributes to the harmonious cultural growth of the young person and shape his/her personality as a valuable citizen. This conviction of ours and the observations of the manifestations of disrespect and even rudeness in the relationship between the pupils at school gave birth to the idea of a joint lesson between third and seventh-grade students, with the aim to provoke reflection on goodness, trust and friendship. The artistic text and the games that pupils of different ages have interpreted have led the children to the conclusion that cooperative behavior is much more meaningful than that of conflict or verbal aggression. At school, little time has been spent on talking with the students about their feelings, and unlike emotions, they are much more durable and resilient. Therefore, their communication skills are seen as the foundational qualities of the person, based on the relationship between feeling and behaviour, which is undeniable.
Keywords: interdisciplinary lesson, active position, cooperative behaviour, overcame conflict, feelings, behaviour
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