Building a Positive Attitude Towards Traditions from the Past and Their Preservation
Silviya Angelova
Kindergarten “Sun”, Russe
Изграждане на позитивно отношение към традициите от миналото и тяхното съхранение
Силвия Игнатова Ангелова
ДГ „Слънце“, гр. Русе
Abstract: Children also show interest in the life of people from the past. All we need is just to light the flame of children’s curiosity. Each household keeps a tiny piece from the past – a carefully preserved everyday object. What great beauty and warmth there is in folklife objects! Everything is beautiful – the colourful hand-woven carpets and fleecy rugs, the clothes adorned with embroidery and woolen braids, hidden in the ancient chest trunk, the woolen bags, the cast iron ironing press in the corner, the wooden objects and tools sitting silently and… ”telling stories”.
Stimulated by adults, children learn about the past of their homeland, about their ancestors, about their family life since early childhood. Thus an even stronger bond is built between them and love for everything which is native, for the customs and traditions of the Bulgarian people. Namely the children are the future guardians of the Bulgarian national spirit.
Keywords: everyday object, customs, traditions, homeland, preservation .
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